Why You Should Buy New Guide To Ground Leases
New Guide to Ground Leases offers the reader a complete roadmap for ground lease transactions, with an emphasis on how to negotiate and close them. This book will become an essential resource for anyone working in this area.
It starts with a 600-page Encyclopedia of Ground Leases, with a lucid and practical discussion of about 100 issues that arise in ground lease transactions. Volumes 2 and 3 provide more than two dozen comprehensive and modern Model Documents. Volume 2 offers a model ground lease. Volume 3 offers a wide range of model documents written in Plain English and also available in editable form (Microsoft Word), with user-friendly formatting. Any purchaser of the New Guide will be entitled to obtain copies of those editable templates as they may be further improved over time at no extra charge. For details on electronic access to the New Guide, click here.
Even for a ground lease transaction that relies on other documents, the New Guide provides an excellent resource to cross-check documents and spot and think about issues. If a particular transaction requires unusual provisions, they’re likely to appear in the Bells & Whistles for the Model Documents in the New Guide.
Any law firm, law library, or commercial real estate practitioner with a substantial focus on commercial real estate law and practice needs the New Guide.
For someone new to ground leases, the New Guide provides a guide book and state-of-the-art training, with an explanation of what matters in these transactions and why.
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