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Entire Website Copyright © Advanced Commercial Real Estate Press LLC.

Web Administration: Ranjan (RJ) Samarakone, the office manager, IT manager, and art director of Joshua Stein PLLC, designed and oversees this website. RJ oversees fulfillment, order tracking, electronic access, and inventory control for all publications of Advanced Commercial Real Estate Press. He can be reached at manager@joshuastein.com or orders@acrepress.com.

Suntec Web Services: This website was coded in 2022 by Suntec Web Services, a full service web development and business process outsourcing firm based in New Delhi, India, working under the supervision of RJ Samarakone (see above). Suntec’s project manager was and remains Murli Pawar. He and his colleagues have coded Joshua Stein’s website, www.joshuastein.com, since 2005. More information on Suntec Web Services can found at this website address: www.suntecindia.com. Murli Pawar can be reached directly at murli@suntecindia.com.

Logo: The logo for Advanced Commercial Real Estate Press LLC was created by Joy Markel, who also created the logo for Joshua Stein PLLC. For details, visit www.joymarkel.com/business.

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