Interested In Writing Or Publishing A Review Of New Guide To Ground Leases?

We seek reviewers who are either academics or practicing commercial real estate lawyers. We also welcome inquiries from legal or real estate journalists or publications.

We will provide review copies as PDF files, today’s equivalent of bound galleys. Like bound galleys, our PDF files will be uncorrected, subject to further editing, and incomplete and imperfect in other ways. We can print the PDF files on paper in a simple binding if you wish.

We assume and hope that prospective reviewers will know where they would like to publish their reviews and will reach out to their publishing contacts for that purpose. If you are interested in publishing a review but are not sure of where to place it, please let us know and we will try to make suggestions or introductions.

If you are interested in reviewing or publishing a review of the New Guide or would like to nominate a reviewer or a publication for a review, let us know through our contact page.